Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Brief Introduction

First of all, I have a request. If you ever catch me referring to my life as a "journey," please take a page from the cornfield scene in the movie Casino, and do unto me as Nicky Santoro had done to him on that last, really bad day.

I've lived a little bit, done a few unusual things, and done many more of the usual, banal things. I've learned along the way, and it's probably time to share some of what I've learned. After all, there may be a Louisville Slugger around the next corner.

I started working as a sports gambling consultant back in 1979. Rather than address my 40 years of immersion in gambling subcultures in this opening intro, let me just share a few of my favorite things as a way of saying hello.

Favorite Authors:  Hunter Thompson; James Randi
Favorite Movies:  Blade Runner; Village of the Damned
Religion:  Church of the Nethilim Rite

I was an English (writing option) major from Penn State (minor in general science). I had started in journalism, but switched majors because I found journalism a bit restrictive. So of course I wound up in the world of gambling. It all makes perfect sense.

Eventually, I'll attempt blog spinoffs -- monographs about various topics, a college football vodcast, and some other projects. This, however, is the kickoff.

Some people might say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but they don't have to worry about Louisville Sluggers. I'll just start with "Every trip begins with a single microdose."

My next entry will address the May 4th, 2019 Kentucky Derby. I know absolutely nothing about horse racing, but I know some people who do. I'll pass along a few of their observations.

Bob Dietz -- May 5, 2019